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Sustentabilidade na Supply Chain Global

26 of April 2024

Entrevistamos, Miguel Reynolds Brandão, Fundador e CEO da Corkbrick Europe e autor do livro “The Sustainable Organisation – a paradigm for a fairer society: Think about sustainability in an age of technological progress and rising inequality  – May 17, 2015, cujas respostas oferecem insights valiosos sobre o desafio iminente de como garantir que os princípios da sustentabilidade são efetivamente integrados em todas as etapas das cadeias de abastecimento globais

O Mercado Emergente de Interim Management em Portugal

17 of April 2024

Os interim managers, ou executivos interinos, são profissionais experientes com um histórico comprovado nas suas respetivas áreas. Oferece uma profundidade de experiência e um conjunto diversificado de habilidades, que lhes permite enfrentar desafios complexos com confiança e competência. Desde finanças e operações até marketing e recursos humanos, os interim managers oferecem experiência especializada em várias indústrias e setores

Ajuda. Precisa-se: Superpoderes, Missões Curtas, Longas Horas, Pouca Glória.

15 of April 2024

A pandemia mudou a maneira como quase todos trabalhavam e como as empresas operavam até 2020. Como vai ser a procura de funções e talentos na realidade pós pandémicos? A pandemia acelerou também tendências existentes de trabalho remoto, compra online e automação, e surpreendentemente com muito colaboradores a procurar mudar de trabalho, seja ou não na área de interim management.

Interim Managers: Tudo o que precisa de saber.

10 of April 2024

Os interim managers, ou executivos interinos, são profissionais experientes com um histórico comprovado nas suas respetivas áreas. Oferece uma profundidade de experiência e um conjunto diversificado de habilidades, que lhes permite enfrentar desafios complexos com confiança e competência. Desde finanças e operações até marketing e recursos humanos, os interim managers oferecem experiência especializada em várias indústrias e setores

Europa na Vanguarda da Inovação: Entrevista com Carlos Bartolo

08 of April 2024

Numa conversa exclusiva com Carlos Bartolo, especialista em inovação e tecnologia, exploramos em profundidade o papel da Europa na liderança da inovação sustentável e na procura pelo equilíbrio entre progresso tecnológico, economia e bem-estar a longo prazo.Bartolo ofereceu-nos uma visão abrangente e perspicaz sobre os desafios e oportunidades enfrentados pela região e destaca os esforços empreendidos para impulsionar uma transformação significativa.

Fiscalidade em Portugal: Evolução, Desafios e Perspetivas

02 of April 2024

Nos últimos anos, o panorama fiscal em Portugal tem sido palco de uma evolução significativa, moldada pelas estratégias de otimização fiscal das empresas e indivíduos, bem como pelos imperativos da economia global. Numa entrevista exclusiva com João Marcos Rita, managing partner da AZZUR PORTUGAL e especialista em questões fiscais, explorámos algumas das questões insistentes neste domínio.

Agile Transformations: Adopting Methodologies

18 of March 2024

In the age of rapid technological evolution and constant market changes, organizations face the pressing need to become more agile and adaptable. In this context, agile transformation is emerging as a crucial catalyst for driving innovation and promoting operational efficiency.
This article explores how the adoption of agile methodologies is transforming the way companies approach projects, collaboration, and value delivery.

Digital Transfortmation in Human Resources Management

12 of March 2024

Now more than ever, human resource management plays a crucial role in this process, driving the connection between the company’s talents and the technological innovations available.
This article explores how digital transformation is reshaping human resource management and how this evolution contributes to organizational success.

Persistent Economic Disparities: an International Women’s Day Special

08 of March 2024

The persistent economic disparities highlighted in the Global Gender Gap Report 2023 between men and women in economic participation and opportunity are rooted in a complex interplay of societal norms, policies, and economic structures. These multifaceted disparities impact women’s labor market participation, wage equality, and representation in leadership and high-skilled jobs.

Mastering Innovation Management

06 of March 2024

In the dynamic realm of modern business, innovation isn’t merely a buzzword—it’s the linchpin of sustained success.
Join us on a journey through the core principles and strategies that underpin effective innovation management, empowering organizations to thrive in today’s ever-evolving landscape.

Corporate Recovery Strategies for Resilience and Growth

27 of February 2024

In the wake of economic downturns, market fluctuations, or unforeseen crises, the journey toward corporate recovery becomes paramount for businesses striving to weather the storm and emerge stronger. Corporate recovery encapsulates a spectrum of strategies and actions aimed at stabilizing operations, restoring financial health, and repositioning the organization for sustained growth

Navigating Cultural Adaptations: Challenges, Insights and Guidance

21 of February 2024

In our globalized world, mastering cultural adaptation is essential for aspiring leaders navigating diverse environments. Grégoire Cabri-Wiltzer, Chairman of Senior Management Worldwide (SMW) and Board Advisor of Nim Europe, offers valuable insights and guidance on overcoming cultural obstacles to succeed in today’s interconnected landscape.

The Role of Interim Managers in Organizational Transformations

16 of February 2024

Interim Managers are being recognized as a key element for success in a rapidly changing business world. These specialized professionals are hired temporarily to lead specific change projects, thus bringing a unique combination of agility, experience, objectivity, and an ability to adapt to diverse organizational cultures.

Your Employees Are Your Best Defense Against Cyberattacks

We recommend the following six strategies to fortify the human firewall against the deceptive techniques of criminals and foster a security-aware organizational culture.

Challenges to the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

Despite the vast potential of artificial intelligence, it hasn’t caught hold in most industries. For projections that AI will create $13 trillion of value a year to come true, industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and healthcare still need to find ways to make this technology work for them.

Managers Are Trapped in a Performance-Compassion Dilemma

Based on the reaction to our earlier article on the competing demands for both compassion and results leaders are facing, and given our ongoing work and research at companies around the world, we’ve learned that middle managers are often the ones feeling that tension most acutely. They feel torn between performance demands from above and calls for compassion from below.

What Boards Need to Know About AI

Being a board member is a hard job — ask anyone who has ever been one. Company directors have to understand the nature of the business, review documents, engage in meaningful conversation with CEOs, and give feedback while still maintaining positive relationships with management.

Acumen Strategy’s latest news articles on business and technology.

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